White Collar Crime and Investigations

Entrepreneurs and companies are currently facing significant risks in criminal matters, being involved in criminal proceedings for offences such as asset forfeiture, misappropriation, fraud, tax or social security fraud, and more current forms of cybercrime in the business environment such as scamming through identity theft and ransomware, among others.

LITIGO PARTNERS has extensive experience in this type of white-collar crime, both in the prosecution or criminal defence before the Courts and Tribunals, as well as in preventive advice in the field of business. Our White-Collar Crime and Investigation team has been involved in numerous court proceedings throughout Spain, including several cases with Spanish national impact before the Central High Court (“Audiencia Nacional”) and the Supreme Court.

Furthermore, we regularly intervene in cross-border criminal proceedings, including investigations, international judicial cooperation proceedings, extradition, arrest and surrender and court decision enforcement to obtain evidence or the freezing and recovery of stolen assets, advising foreign companies and individuals involved in criminal proceedings in Spain.

Likewise, following the extraordinary impact of the criminal liability of legal entities under Spanish law, we focus on advising on regulatory compliance and the design and implementation of crime prevention programs in the corporate sphere to avoid or reduce the risks that may arise.


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